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There are several ways to create Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates:

  1. Manual authoring: This involves writing the template in a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) using JSON or YAML. This method allows for full control over the template and is best suited for complex deployments or custom scenarios.
  2. Visual Studio: Visual Studio provides a rich development environment for creating, editing, and debugging ARM templates. It also has built-in JSON and YAML support, and you can use it to author and deploy templates directly to Azure.
  3. Azure Resource Manager Tools for Visual Studio Code: This is a lightweight option that allows you to create and deploy templates using Visual Studio Code, a free and open-source code editor.
  4. Azure Resource Manager Template (ARM) Visual Studio Extension: This is a visual studio extension that allows you to create, edit and deploy ARM templates. It also provides intellisense and validation for the templates.
  5. Azure Quickstart Templates: This is a collection of templates provided by Microsoft and the community that can be used as a starting point for your deployments. They can be found on GitHub
  6. ARM Template generator: There are few websites that have an online template generator tool, where you can select the resources and provide the parameter details, the generator will generate the template for you.

You can choose the method that best suits your needs, depending on your experience level, the complexity of the deployment, and the tools you are already using.

You can quickly deploy them using following options:

  1. Azure Portal: The Azure Portal provides a visual interface for creating and deploying templates. You can use the “Deploy a custom template” feature to create a template by specifying the resources and their settings, and then deploying it to Azure.
  2. Azure CLI: The Azure CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to create and deploy templates by running commands.
  3. Azure PowerShell: Azure PowerShell is a PowerShell module that allows you to create and deploy templates by running PowerShell commands.